The Brady Brides theme song: (sung to a similar tune of The Brady Bunch) It's a new life, for two girls named Brady. Who have left the bunch to make it on their own. Jan fell in love with a man named Philip, the nicest guy she knows. In the meantime, along came Wally. Who was different from Philip (in) every way. Soon the girls are headed for a double wedding. A very special day. A house was too expensive for each couple. The only way to buy would they decide, was to share the cost by moving in together. That's the way that they became the Brady Brides. The Brady Brides The Brady Brides That's the way they became the Brady Brides* *note, the last line is a guess. My copy of the tape is tangled right before the last line, but knowing how the rest of the Brady Bunch variations went, this is a good guess. -- Fred Ochs Western Michigan University OR Please note: The original header on this (emailed) filed was: From: The Larch Subject: Re: Brady Brides theme To: (Brent Tucker) Date: Tue, 1 Aug 1995 21:45:38 -0400 (EDT) Various minor errors were corrected 15-April-96